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Exciting Developments in Israel's Medical Cannabis Sector!

Comments and reaction to an article that appeared in MMJ Daily on May 13, 2024, titled, Israel: “Reduced regulatory burdens and increased patient access” by Ophir Nevo, Israel Cannabis Association

I'm thrilled to see Israel’s medical cannabis sector taking significant strides by reducing regulatory red tape, which promises to enhance patient access and stimulate sector growth.

Key developments include:

1. Medical Prescriptions Over Licenses: Cannabis can now be prescribed by a broader range of medical professionals, and it is now a frontline treatment option rather than a treatment of last resort.

2. Regulatory Relaxations: The easing of the application of the Israeli IMC-GMP standard to better align with EU-GMP standards will streamline integration of Israeli exports into the global supply chain.

However, while these changes are promising, I don't entirely agree with the premise in the article that this will lead to a reduction in cannabis imports into Israel.

The truth is the quality of cannabis from a number of Israeli cultivation

facilities has not met the high standards demanded by patients, which is why

Canadian imports remain in great demand.

For Israeli-grown cannabis to compete effectively, both domestically and globally, it must meet elevated quality standards and be produced cost-effectively. Until then, premium cannabis products in Israel are likely to continue to be dominated by Canadian imports.

Exciting times are ahead for Israel’s medicinal cannabis industry, but there's still work to be done by local growers and importers/distributors to cement Israel's position as a top player in the global cannabis market.

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